
Changes at leadership level

SCHÄFER WERKE Group ManagementManagement SCHÄFER WERKE Group – M.Düber, G.Klinkhammer, T.Schäfer, M.Mockenhaupt (ltr)

SCHÄFER WERKE Group extends top management

Neunkirchen, 22nd October 2020. On October 1st 2020, the SCHÄFER WERKE Group implemented changes in its longstanding and successful senior management. Besides managing partner and company founder Theo Schäfer, Marcus Düber, Michael Mockenhaupt and Guido Klinkhammer will also take on the responsibility of running the group in future.

With this new management team, the SCHÄFER WERKE Group, consisting of the EMW Steel Service Centre, SCHÄFER Perforated Metal, SCHÄFER IT-Systems, SCHÄFER Container Systems and VIZUU, as well as the central administration departments, is breaking with its past approach and placing the fortunes of the group into the hands of four experienced executives, each with different strengths and fields of responsibility. These proven experts are the ideal management team in the challenging market environment facing the group in these current times, says managing partner Theo Schäfer.

On October 1st 2020, Marcus Düber took on responsibility for the SCHÄFER WERKE Group’s administrative operations as commercial manager. The graduate in business economics has been working for the group since September 2016 as commercial director at the Czech subsidiary SCHÄFER Sudex and has had headed the finance and controlling areas since October 2018.
Michael Mockenhaupt has been successfully running the operations of the EMW Steel Service Centre since November 2013. As managing director, the business graduate now also takes on responsibility for SCHÄFER Perforated Metal, which puts Mr. Mockenhaupt in charge of SCHÄFER WERKE’s traditional steel divisions.

October 1st 2020 saw Guido Klinkhammer move from the management of beverage fittings manufacturer D.S.I. Getränkearmaturen back to his familiar surroundings at SCHÄFER WERKE. He is now responsible for SCHÄFER WERKE, SCHÄFER Container Systems, SCHÄFER IT-Systems, VIZUU, and the foreign subsidiaries SCHÄFER Sudex and SCHÄFER Container Systems North America. The university qualified manager sees a major focus of his role in continuing the expansion of the group’s digitalization projects and in strategic innovation and product management. “The current climate of digital and economic change opens up exciting new opportunities which we can together look forward to very positively”, explains Guido Klinkhammer, managing director of the SCHÄFER WERKE Group.

In a further change, Rainer Bröcher left the SCHÄFER WERKE Group on 30th September after 8 successful years in the role of managing director. The group would like to thank Mr. Bröcher for all his good work and wish him every success for the future.

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Burkhard Rarbach
